Note: The Cold Lake Murders Interludes were written prior to writing the actual story, to allow me to prepare for a Camp NaNoWriMo. They take place mostly before the events of the full CLM and are not in chronological order. They are posted at
Story in Progress
My thanks to JJsGirl for her help, advice, and eagle-eyed editing.
Story in Progress
My thanks to JJsGirl for her help, advice, and eagle-eyed editing.
The Cold Lake Murders Interludes
The Reception Was This Part of the Job Description? Breakup of a Different Kind The Beginning of the End Each Brick Laid Trixie vs The Very Bad Day The Interviews A Few Moments of Indecision All in a Night's Work Hot Tempered Redhead The Cold Lake Murders
Wendell Molinson's dying request sends Acting Chief-of-Police Trixie Belden and Sergeant Dan Mangan on a mission to right an old wrong and discover who killed two young girls several decades before in the midst of the Bicentennial celebrations of the summer of 1976.