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Say Something by the Reluctant Monkey. Scary Tale. Rated G. WC: 2344 Halloween night, Mart tells a tale that hits a little too close to home. |
After several hours of sleep disturbed by a series of frightening dreams, you awaken with a new resolve. You are going to return to the preserve, now that you have daylight in your favor, and retrace your steps.
It takes hours of wandering, with many wrong turns and much backtracking, but you finally locate the winding path that led to the heart of the preserve and you almost run when you see the hollow tree ahead.
You turn on your flashlight and kneel down, aiming it into the darkness.
To your great disappointment, you see nothing but a bed of rotting dead leaves and a gruesome pile of small bones from some unfortunate animal that had long ago met its demise. You pick up a crooked branch and use it to poke around, but it's clear there's nothing to be found.
It takes hours of wandering, with many wrong turns and much backtracking, but you finally locate the winding path that led to the heart of the preserve and you almost run when you see the hollow tree ahead.
You turn on your flashlight and kneel down, aiming it into the darkness.
To your great disappointment, you see nothing but a bed of rotting dead leaves and a gruesome pile of small bones from some unfortunate animal that had long ago met its demise. You pick up a crooked branch and use it to poke around, but it's clear there's nothing to be found.
You rise to your feet and take a long look around. You don't know why, but something tells you that you missed your chance. Whatever strange magic enveloped the game preserve the night before, now it's only a perfectly normal forest, draped in lovely autumn colors. In defeat, you turn to leave. Perhaps you'll return and try again next Halloween.